Meet Robyn

Founder: CEO & Creative Director of RFTS Preschool.

‘Reach For The Stars Preschool, Pre2Kinder Kickstart, Qualitytime Prints, Preschool Friends, and Print2Learn’


My Journey

My printeprener journey began nearly 33 years ago when my children were small, and I owned a childcare business. It was when I began teaching preschool, that I started creating and designing lesson plans, worksheets, printables, and classroom resources to support and enhance the children’s learning experience.  My children are grown now and have since blessed my life with 15 amazing grand(gifts). 

I am also a self-taught web designer and through the years, I have helped friends and family by building websites for them. Because of the business I was in (childcare), I quickly discovered the need for a provider support group and online childcare directory, so I founded Childcare Share and Omaha Childcare Directory, successfully managing both in my area for many years. These endeavors led me to even more website opportunities as I helped many childcare providers showcase their unique styles on their own websites.  

I am truly passionate about what I do and love my creative space and all that I can offer to others.  I am excited to share my journey with you and hope that my experience will inspire you in your own entrepreneurial journey. If there is anything I can help you with, please reach out. I’d be happy to help you!

Robyn laughing with grandchildren and husband

Welcome To My Creative Space!

Preschool Friends Pinwheel Logo (350 x 180 px)
a photo of Robyn sitting at her desk

A little about me

I am the founder, CEO and creative director behind the scenes of ‘Reach for the Stars Preschool’, you may know it as RFTS Preschool. I have spent the better part of my life caring for, loving, and teaching young children, and preparing them for kindergarten.

Every day, I begin my creative process with excitement, looking forward to designing and creating what I consider a gift which I thank God for.  The road that led me here was long and often challenging, filled with mistakes, success, and unimaginable rewards.

My focus is to present a series of educational digital products that can easily be implemented, introduced, and discovered with your child, during the early stages of their unique learning journey. 

All-Access-Pass To Learning

an image depicting the shop category highlights

RFTS Preschool carries educational resources specifically created for toddlers, preschool, and kindergarten as well as resources for the classroom and childcare/daycare as well as the following memberships and course.

Early Learning Friends! A monthly membership that supports you and your toddler on an exciting educational journey. Our structured and progressive activities are designed to make learning enjoyable and effective.”

Preschool Friends! A community where early learning meets fun and engagement. Our goal is to provide your preschoolers with a delightful and enriching experience every month.

Print2Learn! offers monthly educational resources designed to support your child’s learning journey from preschool through kindergarten. Let’s make learning fun and comprehensive!”

Pre2Kinder Kickstart Course! Do you have a child who is Kindergarten Bound! This course will guide your child on a 60-day journey towards kindergarten readiness as they navigate through 40 different skills. Our structured roadmap is designed to build the foundational skills necessary for a successful start in school.

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